Supercool Blog

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The Impact of Page Speed on User Experiences


The Impact of Page Speed on User Experiences

Picture this; you're on a laptop or mobile device, eagerly searching for information or browsing an online store. You click on a link that promises th...

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The Importance of Mobile First Design and Responsiveness


The Importance of Mobile First Design and Responsiveness

Not too long ago, the prevailing practice was to create websites and applications with a desktop-first mindset. Designers and developers focused their...

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Web Accessibility: Making Websites Inclusive


Web Accessibility: Making Websites Inclusive

In an increasingly digital world, web accessibility is not just a nice-to-have feature; it's a fundamental necessity. Ensuring that your website is ac...

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Website Security Best Practices For 2024

Web Security

Website Security Best Practices For 2024

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and as we enter 2023,website security remains a top priority. Cybercriminals are becoming more sophistic...

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App Pricing in 2024


App Pricing in 2024

When it comes to app development, pricing can vary significantly based on several factors. It's essential to understand that building a high-quality i...

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